Hello Nubians,
First and foremost, hope you like the NEW site layout and banner. Simple yet still hectic enough to be me. Thanks to my lovely brother for all his help and having the patience to deal with me. I'm super excited to be making better quality videos this year... ya know... with a good camera and lights and not all on my iPhone haha.
I just got back from vacation and I'm feeling inspired and ready to make changes. I always struggle with inspiration and getting bored constantly but I think I'm starting to wrap my head around certain things and finding ways to stay passionate... It's tough. One thing I did notice however is how much I needed a freaking vacation! Oh my goodness, I am such a workaholic and over achiever that I didn't even realize I haven't taken a vacation since 2010. I went on a cruise to a few islands with 2 girlfriends and had a blast. When I'm done uploading my photos you will surely see some on here and stories.
Below is a very basic outfit of mine. Transitioning into a warmer Spring season can be tricky. You'll see some popular trends I gravitate towards here such as florals, lennon shades, bright colors, hair braids... slowly but surely I'm pulling out all the goods.
Wearing: Uniqlo floral pants, Dolce Vita wedges, Old Navy denim jacket, Vintage inspired camera bag, Jewelry from street vendor.
Some style goals of mine this Spring/Summer are...
1) To mess around with my hair more (colors are styles)
2) To sport more accessories (cooler earrings, necklaces, shades, etc.)
What are yours? Be back soon.
Xo Nubia Xo
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