These are some photos taken on a regular day I ran errands. For some reason I purchased these tye-die leggings about a year ago and this is my second time wearing them. There isn't anything done with them... I suppose it's one of those things that happen with certain clothing items. Maybe a few months from now I'll be in love with them and wear them all the time haha who know #FashionMoodSwings
I've had these flats since I was in College. I really love them and they're sort of falling apart on me. I think that until they literally break while I'm walking with them in the middle of the street I will not let them go.
Wearing: Strawberry leggings, Old Navy denim jacket, Ravishing Jewelry Nubia Necklace, Misc Sandals, Hanes white tee.
While I was roaming the aisles of a local drug store, I saw a small display with a whole bunch of NYC lipsticks. I hadn't really noticed the NYC brand in SUCH a long time. They sell $1 dollar lipsticks! Of course there is always a down fall, You have to keep reapplying them... I think of them more like Chap-stick sometimes. The color is fun nonetheless, Hot pink.
Have to run... Toodles.

Xo Nubia Xo

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